These are some highlights of my work. If you don’t see what you are looking for please ask as this is just a snapshot. If I have anything relevant I would be happy to send you an example.
Learning to Be Safer – I worked alongside Health Education England and Imperial College London to write the Commission on Education and Training for Patient Safety’s report. The report outlined the Commissions recommendations to The Secretary of State for improving patient safety in the NHS’ over the next 10 years. It included example of best practice gathered from NHS organisations across England. Click here to read the report.
From Surviving to Thriving – I worked alongside UK Trade & Investment and the Institute of Directors to create a report outlining the challenges SMEs face when exporting, along with expert advice and success stories. The aim was to showcase the challenges and opportunities of doing business overseas and encourage more companies to export. The audience was exporters and aspiring exporters. Click here to read the report.
Ministry of Justice – I wrote a report about the work of the Youth Citizenship Commission, on behalf of the Ministry of Justice. The target audience was young people. Click here to read a testimonial about my work.
Dementia Call to Action – I attended a national event for some of England and Wales’ leading experts in dementia care, as well as patients. I wrote a report reviewing the National Dementia CQUIN and issuing a national call to action to improve the care of people with dementia in hospitals. I was working on behalf of the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement and the Dementia Action Alliance. Click here to read the report.
Reconnect magazine – I am Wellbeing Editor for Reconnect, the leading health, wellness and sustainable lifestyles magazine in the South West of England. Click here to read a copy of the magazine.
A Menu for the World – I wrote the first UKTI (UK Trade & Investment) brochure promoiting the UK as an investment location for international food and drink manufacturers. The copy was written for a global audience and sets out the opportunities and support available for inward investors and showcases investor success stories. Click here to read the brochure.
High Impact Actions – The High Impact Actions for Nursing and Midwifery were developed by NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement following a call for action. The Institute asked frontline staff to submit examples of high quality care that, if adopted across the NHS, would make a transformational difference. More than 600 examples were submitted in less than three weeks. Eight key areas were identified as having the potential to make the biggest difference, including falls prevention and timely patient discharge. I worked alongside the NHS Institute to collect examples of best practice from across the NHS and to produce guides for each of the eight High Impact Actions. Click here to read example 1 – Your Skin Matters
Click here to read example 2 – Promoting Natural Birth
Ambulatory Emergency Care Nursing Guide – Ambulatory Emergency Care is a positive response to the growing demand for urgent and emergency care across the NHS. I have been involved in the Ambulatory Emergency Care Network since its outset and was recently commissioned to write a guide to Ambulatory Care for nurses, setting out best practice examples. Click here to read the guide.
Avon UK – I spent two years copywriting for Avon, the global cosmetics and toiletries company. I wrote copy for Avon’s brochure, magazine and website. Click here to read example magazine copy.
British Waterways – I wrote a number of tourism brochures for British Waterways aimed at holidaymakers and canal boaters. This brochure is for a circular canal route taking in parts of Birmingham and the Black Country called The Stourport Ring. Click here to read the brochure.
Doing Business in Malaysia – I wrote several guides to international export markets for UK companies, including Malaysia. The guides provided a comprehensive introduction to the marketplace, including size and structure, marketing, procurement, business etiquette and culture. The client was UK Trade & Investment and the information was complied in association with its international experts on the ground. The audience was successful and aspiring UK export companies. Click here to read one of the guides.
The NHS Change Model – I was asked by the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement to support them to create the NHS Change Model, which is the definitive guide to organisational change – what works, how to do it and how change can be sustained. The model was created by hundreds of NHS staff at all levels who wanted to crystallise their learning into a simple-to-use approach. I was asked to edit and simplify the copy to make it accessible to the widest possible audience. Click here to read The NHS Change Model.
Listening to the Voices of Children and Young People – I became one of only a handful of copywriters appointed to the Department of Education’s dedicated marketing framework panel (formerly known as the Department for Children and Families). I wrote a number of high profile campaigns, case studies and guides including a guide to promote best practice in pupil participation. The idea was to support schools and local authorities to involve young people in making decisions that affect them. Click here to read the guide.
Export Zone – I wrote the Export Zone newsletter on behalf of the British Chambers of Commerce for more than 10 years. The newsletter was aimed at UK exporters and aspiring exporters and contained details of relevant support services and events, as well as case studies. Click here to read the newsletter.
Café Copywriter e-newsletter – I produce a fortnightly e-newsletter for my current and prospective clients. The aim is to let the audience know about the work I am involved with, to share copywriting information and advice, and to notify clients about news and forthcoming events.
The Patient Experience Book – I worked with the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement to create a legacy publication for its successor organisation outlining everything it had learned about improving the experience of patients in the NHS. This comprehensive book is a “bible” proven approaches, underpinning theory, research, understanding and insights as well as practical examples. The audience is any healthcare organisation that is interested in improving patient experience. Click here to read the book.
UK Trade & Investment Pitch Book – I wrote a promotional book showcasing the work of innovative biotechnology organisations in the UK. The audience is worldwide biotechnology companies and governments around the world and the aim is to attract inward investment to the UK.
Scottish Government
Click here to read case study 1
Click here to read case study 2
Aiming High for Young People – I wrote a collection of case studies showcasing two programmes of work from the Department for Education, designed to encourage independence and resilience in young people.
Acute Frailty Network – I regularly write case studies highlighting improvements in the care of frail older people across NHS England on behalf of the Acute Frailty Network. I have also written a best practice guide for nurses and therapists. Click here to read a compilation of case studies.
BioApproaches – I researched and wrote a series of case studies showcasing ground-breaking and often highly complex work in biotechnologies, medical technologies and nutraceuticals. I was working on behalf of biotech networking organisation BioApproaches.
Experience Based Design – I wrote a collection of case studies showcasing the different ways in which NHS Trusts are involving patients in the co-design of services to improve their experience of care.
Integrating Health and Social Care – I wrote a collection of case studies profiling work taking place across England to improve the integration of health and social care. This is a major government priority and a significant challenge for health and social care organisations. Click here to read a compilation of case studies.
UK Renal Registry – I wrote a series of case studies to support the UK Renal Registry’s Think Kidneys campaign to increase awareness of kidney disease and improve the treatment of patients.
The Productive GP – I have written a large number of training and development programmes for both organisations and individuals. Amongst these was The Productive GP, a flagship improvement programme for GPs across England and Wales, developed by the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement. I worked closely with the development leads from the Institute, helping them to present the information clearly, simply and accessibly using the principles of Plain English. Click here to read an example module.
The Care Home Wellbeing Programme – I worked alongside the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement to create a wellbeing programme for care homes, outlining measures that care homes can put in place to improve quality and positively impact residents. The target audience was care home providers, owners, managers and decision-makers. Click here to read the programme guide.
Ambulatory Emergency Care – Hospital Emergency Departments are under growing pressure to meet the four-hour waiting time target at the same time as meeting mounting demand for unscheduled patient care. Ambulatory Emergency Care is an innovative response to the problem, which is proving popular with patients and staff alike. I am working with NHS Elect to write case studies profiling some of this groundbreaking work.
Click here to read case study – AEC Kettering
Click here to read case study – AEC Watford
Emergency Care Improvement Programme – The Emergency Care Improvement Programme is a clinically-led programme that offers intensive practical support to urgent and emergency care systems. The aim is to provide safer, faster, better care for patients. I am helping to share good practice across the NHS by telling some of ECIP’s success stories.
Click here to read case study – North Devon
Click here to read case study – South Warwickshire
The Productive Ward – The Productives series is a flagship improvement programme within the NHS, developed by the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement. The aim is to liberate staff from unproductive tasks so they can use their time more effectively to provide high quality patient care. There are many Productives variants including The Productive Ward, Productive Community Services and The Productive Operating Theatre. Case studies provide an effective way of sharing good practice and key learning. I worked alongside the NHS Institute for a number of years writing case studies.
Click here to read case study – Airedale
Click here to read case study -North Staffordshire
Scottish Government – I am working alongside The Scottish Government’s Directorate for Health Performance and Delivery. There is some fantastic work taking place to improve the emergency and urgent care as part of its improvement programme, 6 Essential Actions to Improving Unscheduled Care. The Directorate wants to evidence the impact that this work is having across Scotland and to share what different Health Boards are doing and what they have learned on the journey. I write case studies linked to each of the 6 Essential Actions.
British Council – The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Its work aims to transform national education systems, build more inclusive societies and increase young people’s opportunities on a global scale. I wrote a number of case studies highlighting its work with disadvantaged young people in the Middle East and North Africa. Click here to read an example.
Experience-Based Design – Experience-based co-design is an approach to healthcare improvement that puts patients at the heart of the process. It goes beyond the basic notion of parent involvement to working in partnership with patients as co-creators. The primary aim is to improve patient experience. As well as writing How to… guides I have written many case studies profiling experience-based design projects.
Click here to read case study – East of England Ambulance Service
Click here to read case study – South Tees
Think Kidneys patient stories – Think Kidneys is the NHS campaign to raise awareness of Acute Kidney Injury which is linked to the deaths of around 100,000 deaths in NHS hospitals annually, nearly a third of which are believed to be preventable. I worked closely with the UK Renal Registry, which runs the Think Kidneys programme, to develop case studies and patient stories. The case studies profile work taking place in the NHS to improve the detection, treatment and prevention of Acute Kidney Injury and the patient stories focus on the experiences of people who have experienced the condition with the aim of raising awareness among the general public. Click here to read example of patient stories.
Stories of patient harm – When it comes to improving the NHS’ safety record, few things are shown to be as motivating for staff as hearing stories of patient harm. As part of my research for the Improving Safety Through Education and Training report for Health Education England I heard several firsthand accounts of patients experiencing harm during the course of routine treatment. I wrote these compelling patient stories to remind readers of the urgent need for change. Click here to read an example of a patient story.
Uplifting stories – I have a passion for writing real-life stories of hope and recovery and this led me to create a website called This non-profit making site exists solely to share inspirational stories of people overcoming challenge and rebuilding their lives, sometimes in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Click below to read examples of uplifting stories:
The Nursing Times – Think Kidneys is an NHS campaign to raise awareness of Acute Kidney Injury, which is linked to the deaths of around 100,000 deaths in NHS hospitals annually. Nearly a third of these deaths are believed to be preventable. Think Kidneys worked with Southern Derbyshire CCG to create a nurse-led commissioning project to incentivise NHS organisations to manage the condition more effectively. It was the first project of its kind. I wrote an in-depth academic article for The Nursing Times, featuring interviews with nurses, managers and commissioners. Audience: nurses and healthcare professionals.
Click here to read article
InterBe – InterBe has pioneered an innovative approach to learning and development called Narrative Transformation. The approach focuses on transforming the limiting beliefs that people hold and replacing unhelpful narratives (interactions and self-talk) with something more empowering. I wrote an article for the leading online business magazine, Business Matters, outlining InterBe’s views on performance appraisals and suggesting alternative approaches to motivating staff. Audience: SMEs and large corporates. Click here to read the article.
Period House – I spent many years working as a freelance journalist for national home interest magazines, including Period House, Essential Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom and HomeStyle. I wrote on a range of home-related topics including: property restoration, reclamation and salvage, traditional building skills and interior design. Audience: homeowners.
Click here to read article 1 – Chips Off the Old Block
Click here to read article 2 – Knocking the Snots Off
Woman’s Own – I have written for women’s consumer magazines, both under my own name and as a public relations representative for well-known household brands. My work includes an article for the leading women’s weekly magazine, Woman’s Own. Click here to read article.
HSJ – I wrote an article about Ambulatory Emergency Care for Health Services Journal which is a weekly publication aimed at leaders in healthcare. Click here to read the article.
Café Copywriter – I write an expert column under the brand name Kate Philbin, Café Copywriter. It offers copywriting, editing and proofreading advice to businesses and individuals.
NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement and NHS Kingston – An organisation’s Annual Report and Accounts provides an opportunity to showcase the year’s highlights and successes, as well as providing statutory accounts information. I have written annual reports for a number of leading public sector organisations including the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement and NHS Kingston and NHS Wandsworth. Click here to read an annual report
InterBe – InterBe has pioneered an innovative approach to learning and development called Narrative Transformation. The approach focuses on transforming the limiting beliefs that people hold and replacing unhelpful narratives (interactions and self-talk) with something more empowering. I worked with InterBe to create content for their new website which is aimed at businesses and individuals. Click here to see the website.
Pam Fricker, Grief Counsellor – Creating an online presence is a big step for an organisation and it is important to get it right. I have worked with organisations large and small to support them through the process of creating a website and developing content. Pam Fricker is an experienced grief counsellor who approached me for support in creating her first website. Click here to see the website.
STEM London Tutors – STEM is the acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, which are regarded as core subjects by high tech industries. I worked with a web designer to create a new website for STEM London Tutors, which is a network of leading science and mathematics tutors dedicated to inspiring young people to do well in these key subjects. I interviewed the website founder and created simple, pithy copy that encapsulates the offer and why it is so important for young people to do well in these subjects. Click here to see the website.
Rural Business Awards – In any competitive situation, whether it is an award entry, a tender or a funding application, communicating the right messages in the right way is the difference between winning and losing. I have written many successful tenders that have won me a place on high profile public sector framework panels, including the Crown Commercial Suppliers framework (approved to work with government and public sector bodies), the NHS, the Department for Education and UK Trade & Investment. The confidential nature of these documents makes it impossible to show examples. However, I have also been involved in preparing a number of award entries, including one for InterBe, transformative learning and development, which earned a place in the finals of the Rural Business Awards. Click here to read the award entry.
Renewables – An effective leaflet provides a brief and compelling snapshot of the product or service it relates to. Unlike a brochure, which provides a more comprehensive perspective, leaflets and flyers contain only the most pertinent information. Such brevity demands a high level of copywriting and editing skill. This leaflet was written to promote the renewable energy sector in the South West of England. The audience is renewable energy companies and associated industries. Click here to read the leaflet.
Department for Education – I was commissioned to write a consumer communications campaign for the launch of new vocational qualifications. I wrote material aimed at young people, head teachers, parents and higher education institutions.
Dulwich College Shanghai – I was commissioned to write text for a new history wall display at Dulwich College’s satellite college in Shanghai.
British Waterways – I wrote interpretation panels for British Waterways Midlands, summarising historical and environmental information relating to canals and inland waterways.
TED Speaker – In 2017 I was invited to become a TED speaker. I gave my talk, What Toddlers Teach Us About Style, in May at TEDx Totnes. Click here to view my talk.