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6 Essential Actions to Improve Unscheduled Care is a flagship programme from the Scottish Government, created to help NHS Scotland tackle problems associated with emergency care. I work with the Scottish Government as a case study writer, helping to capture some of this amazing improvement work, spread best practice and encourage NHS organisations to learn from one another.
I have spent years writing case studies for businesses large and small and the process always begins with a detailed telephone interview. I speak to the teams involved and ask them to tell me why they embarked on the improvement process; what challenges they faced and how they overcame them, what changes they made and the impact these changes have had. We talk about what they learned along the way, what they might do differently next time and what factors have contributed to their success. I interview frontline staff, improvement teams, Chief Operating Officers, consultants, nurses, patients and anyone else who contributed to the process or has been impacted by it.
Next, I bring all of this information together in the form of a lively, informative and inspirational case study. Each one tells a compelling improvement story and provides a blueprint for other organisations to learn from. They are packed with different insights, perspectives and approaches that can be scaled up across the NHS.
The benefit of using case studies
For the organisations themselves, there is something hugely rewarding in seeing their hard work recognised and presented in the form of a written case study, while for organisations facing similar challenges, it is inspiring to read how others have turned things around and achieved positive results. The Scottish Government benefits by being able to demonstrate that its improvement processes make a real difference to those on the frontline. And for the NHS as a whole, there are huge efficiencies to be gained in organisations learning from those who have been there and done it.
6 Essential Actions to Improve Unscheduled Care
Towards the end of May, I flew to Edinburgh from Devon for the 6 Essential Actions team’s twice-yearly Winter review and planning event. It was attended by the great and the good of NHS Scotland. Programme lead, Helen Maitland spoke about the importance of case studies in spreading good practice, while Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Shona Robison MSP announced a further £9 million of funding for the 6 Essential Actions programme
I am genuinely thrilled to be involved in such a worthwhile initiative and to be playing my part in encouraging system-wide spread of ideas that improve the experience of patients and staff. Click here to read one of the case studies.
If you would like me to help you to capture and share your own improvement stories, click here to contact me.